The Homunculi


Dante: Homunculi don't have such a thing as mothers.
Wrath: Bring mama back! Please!
Dante: Don't say such human things.
- Episode 49



thinking about lusts interactions w scar and how he was adamant that she is not the woman his brother loved, and like… on the one hand he’s right. lust looks like her and has her memories but they’re fragmented, broken, painful, and even as she wears her face she commits terrible evils her original self would never have allowed. but at the same time is scar really meant to be arbiter of who she is? did scar, who basically admired her from afar with a precocious crush (he’s quire a bit younger than his brother and her from the flashbacks) really know this woman that well? lust makes a tentative step towards reclaiming her humanity only to get immediately shut down; you’re a monster, you’re inhuman, you will never be her.

in light of this is it any wonder sloth takes the easy way out and decides whoever she used to be doesn’t matter at all? there’s none of the vulnerability of opening up to someone else - of being rejected by the elrics, of being scorned as a monster, an abomination. it’s not simply that she lazily doesn’t want to deal with all that, or even that she just wants to live her own life independent of whatever trisha elric had going on, I think - it’s a defence mechanism against constantly being compared to who you used to be and judged as a mockery of the dead because you can’t live up to those expectations.